Many of you may be aware (and probably sick of seeing my
facebook updates) but today was a historic event for eyecare in Africa. Today
the first ever Malawi trained optometrists graduated from Mzuzu University. I
have learnt so much about both the programme, life in Africa and organising a
momentous occasion such as this in the last week.
I was not aware that the Malawi School of Optometry was the
first optometry degree programme in Africa and this programme is being held up
as an example of how things should be done. The basis for this programme has
been used to set up schools in Mozambique, Zambia and Kenya to name but a few.
No pressure then! As I said in my first blog entry, optometry is unheard of in
Malawi. As the School of Optometry Student of the Year said “When we began, we
didn’t even know what an optometrist was and now we are optometrists”. Professor
Kovin Naidoo made some inspirational speeches over the course of the past two
days, detailing the hurdles that faced the set up of this programme and his
belief that we should be helping people help themselves and by training
Malawians to provide this health care service it is a lot more sustainable than
people flying in for a week or two and leaving again. The ultimate goal is that
this programme will become self-sustainable and that previous graduates will
return in the future as faculty.
I also learnt that there are only 6 countries that staff can be recruited from as they are allowed to use diagnostic drugs; Ireland, the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. For the Mozambique project they can only really recruit from Columbia for Spanish speaking optometrists. Makes me feel like more people should take a leap and try Africa!
The celebrations began with a semi formal pre grad dinner.
We had cancelled labs that afternoon to allow us to get dressed up and prepared
for the dinner. Nice thought. At 6pm Sara and Elaine were in the office
finishing writing exams for next week and I was at Sanchia’s house making the
programme of events for the tables while Sanchia was starting her speech. Bear
in mind we had told people to arrive at 6:45! None the less we arrived at the venue
(a 15min drive from the university) by 7pm which by all accounts is pretty darn
impressive. The evening went very well with the MC (i.e. muggins herself) only mispronouncing
one name and calling 2 people by their incorrect title! The students were
presented with prizes based on their individual strengths and Sanchia made a
tear jerking speech in which some very corny optometry jokes were made (“I met
you first when you didn’t know your cornea from your conjunctiva and now you
are setting the Goldmann standard”). All in all, the night came together in the
end all thanks to Team Awesome.
The icing on the cake was an invitation by the President to
the Global Director of ICEE to attend the State house for lunch. So off Kovin
and Sanchia went and as it turns out a very productive lunch it was. After
Kovin’s speech at the ceremony in which he talked about the need for Africans
to help themselves and also the need to attract more females into the optometry
programme now that there was a female president, I think JB herself was very
impressed. Hopefully this means that optometry in Malawi can progress in leaps
and bounds and baby steps.
So long story short, this was an emotion charged few days
and I count myself extremely lucky to have taken part (all be it a very small
part) in the occasion. Congratulations to all who helped the students make it
this far and long may the help continue for this programme.