The eye is the jewel of the body.
Excited about having their eyes tested
Another 6:30 am start. However, I arrive to the office to
find Sara there and not another soul. Apparently the students took it on
themselves to tell the bus driver not to show up until 7:30. Considering we
were supposed to be in Enekewni at 7:30 to start at 8, you can imagine we were
p!ssed. Especially when I could have had another hour in bed!
Symon helping measure V.A |
Today was very different to yesterday. Today we were
screening at a primary school. Our aim was to see kids and get their vision
corrected as young as possible so that they could progress through school and
have as good as education as possible. The education system here is slightly
different to at home, the kids need to pass each class (called standards) to
progress to the next level. This results in some children having to repeat
classes multiple times. As you can imagine, bad eyesight would be a HUGE
disadvantage in this case. Also the classes I have seen have anything from
60-120 children. Yup, you are reading that correctly. The teachers here are
saints. Teaching that many children, with many sitting on the floor as there
are nowhere near enough tables and chairs, dealing with children with mental
problems etc etc.
Why is the mzungu taking my photo? |
So we began with the youngest classes and screened ALL of
the standard ones and twos (approx 200 students under 7). Then after lunch we
screened the teachers and specially selected students who the teachers
suspected had vision problems. Dealing with the kids was very different to
adults. Luckily a lot of them had no major problems, we picked up some children
who needed glasses to see the board and also some interesting pathology but
mostly it was fun to see the school kids react to the
mzungus- asking for pens
or money or coca cola. The funniest though is when you take a picture and then
show them the picture on your camera, it’s the funniest thing in the world to
Tired and sweaty after another long day |
Ryan and Elaine hard at work seeing who needs cyclo |
A first year helping measure V.A for the first time |
Waiting to be seen |
Our office for the day |
Everyone wants glasses |
Again a HUGELY enjoyable and tiring day but it’s nice to be
going out and meeting people and seeing that what we are doing is making a
difference. It just reinforces my thinking that this was ultimately the right
decision for me. Talking to one of the Canadians who was over for the week to
help with the screening and he said “It must be an amazing experience to feel
like you are making a difference” and these past few days, I have really felt
like we are.
Quote for the day: "Life is a game, play it; Life is a challenge, Meet it; Life is an opportunity, Capture it.~ Unknown "
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Fi, you are making such a huge difference, you're amazing :D